Celso certify :
- Promote an effective environmental policy
- Respect all applicable legislation relating to the protection of the Environment
- Respect and make every effort to respect all obligations under laws relating to labour protection and working condition in the country where the workforce is employed
- Respect and make every effort to respect the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, particularly when conventions are not integrated in the legislation of the country where the workforce is employed, namely :
- Freedom of association and protection of the right to organize convention (1948, no 87)
- Right to organize and collective bargaining convention (1949, no 98)
- Forced labour convention (1930, no 29)
- Abolition of forced labour convention (1957, no 105)
- Equal remuneration convention (1951, no 100)
- Discrimination (employment and occupation) convention (1958, no 111)
- Minimum age convention (1973, no 138)
- Worst forms of child labour convention (1999, no 182)